It is very important to store prescription medications safely not only for your health as the one taking the medications but also for those in the household especially kids that can get into the pills. Pets can be harmed also by prescription medications if you leave your vitamins and pills just lying around. Fortunately there are products available in the market today such as pill safe which are a great way to store medications because they come with locks.
Most of these storage solutions for medications come with other features such as space for label where you can write the right dosage and the expiration date of the pills. This keeps you in track of your medication. Other pill safe storage comes with child-proof lids on them, just right if you have kids in the house.
If you have medicine cabinets in your home, they should be out of reach not only to little kids but your pets as well. Avoid leaving the pills in and out of the container, lying around the house. Locking medication bottle is one of the best solutions when looking for a safe way to store your medications. If you are taking several types of medicines in a day, it is important to have a lock bottle for each. Avoid putting all the same medicines in one bottle to avoid confusion on the dosage and on their expiry dates.
You can easily find medication bottles with lock today especially online where there is a wide range of medication bottles available. They often come with a lock feature in the form of number combination. You can decide on the desired combination and use it every time you want to open the bottle. You can also change the combination of the lock if you want.
Having pill safe storage in your home is very important particularly if you have small kids and even teenagers. You can always store them in your medicine or first aid cabinets but they can be accessed easily. The safest and surest way of keeping them out of your kids’ reach is to use a locking medication bottle that comes with lock combination.