Wednesday, July 3, 2013

How to Help your Teen Avoid Drugs

Drug use and abuse has become the leading problems in teenagers of today. This growing dilemma is present in various parts of the country. Thousands of teenagers are using illicit drugs. Drug abuse in teenagers could lead to other problem. Studies have shown that teens who engage in drug use and abuse are likely to commit suicide and other crimes. They are highly at risk for drug overdose and vehicular accidents as well. Generally, this may result to death and protecting your kids is the best way on how to prevent drug abuse in teenagers.

Studies done on teens concerning the use of drugs showed a direct relationship between the connection levels they feel with loved ones and drug use. Teenagers who feel they are more connected to their families are unlikely or less likely to use and abuse drugs. Talking to your teenagers and listening to them without judgments would be the best way to create a healthy and good connection or line of communication with them.

Discuss with your teenagers matters about their friends, their feelings and about school. Teenagers who are suffering from depression are also likely to engage in drug use and abuse. By listening to your kids, you can easily detect indications of depression early on.

If you are suspecting your teenager has already been abusing drugs, the best and most effective approach is early intervention. The methods of early detection and intervention are actually the best ways you can help your teenager. This begins with communication but this is not going to be easy especially when they abuse drugs.

It might be necessary to carry out a test so you can find out whether your teen is using or abusing drugs or not. Though drug tests are usually performed at facilities, you can also purchase a testing kit and get it done at help. This helps your teenager to feel less vulnerable and safe.

But before doing any test, it is very important that you know the right drug testing you should use. Most drug tests can be altered easily and can be a barrier to detecting if your teenager is using drugs. The most effective methods of drug testing are fingernail and hair follicle drug testing. These tests can detect use of drugs for up to 90 days and are not alterable.

Drug prevention is the first step towards eliminating the use and abuse of drugs in teenagers.

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